Let's Explore the Answer
So is the Bible relevant for today’s culture? Should it be regarded as an ancient text that has no real meaning for our lives, or should it be valued as the most comprehensive guide book ever written?
Let’s take a look at both sides of the coin, and see what skeptics and atheists have to say, as well as what the Bible says.
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Many skeptics of the Bible believe that it’s a collection of myths, fables, and men’s accounts of what may or may not have happened in history. They argue that while the Bible may be a book of some value, it was written by men without any inspiration from a higher being.
The Atheist’s view of the Bible comes from the position that no God exists and therefore rejects the Bible as being the inspired word of God. Some have even suggested that the Bible is a book of nonsense written by ignorant people during an unenlightened time in history.
Both skeptics and atheists would probably agree that the Bible is not in any way relevant today, nor should it be regarded as a guidebook for answers to current issues.
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The Biblical view of the Bible’s relevance can be found in 2 Timothy 3:16 which says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.”
In simpler terms, God spoke the words of the Bible and gave them to men He had chosen, to record them for all generations. Both the Old and New Testaments are useful for teaching and guiding people to live in a right relationship with God and others.
While it’s true that some of the modern issues of our time might not be specifically addressed in the Bible, it still offers words of wisdom and direction for our lives today. One real-life example would be a search for answers concerning stress and anxiety. We read in Psalm 94:19 these comforting words: “In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul.” The relevance of this verse is that God comforts us in our anxieties. These encouraging words are still applicable to our lives today.
No matter what answers we seek, the Bible contains both reliable and relevant answers. In fact, it might just be the most underused resource on the planet! Perhaps, it’s time to dust off that old Bible and take a fresh look through its pages from a new or different perspective. Could it be, you’ll finally find the answers you’ve been looking for?
What would happen if you embraced the possibility that the God of the Bible really did create the world and really does care for you?
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As human beings, we’re all born with an innate need to know others and to be known. Having healthy relationships is essential to having a full and satisfying life, but not everyone has the kind of positive, supportive, and meaningful relationships they need. Many people are even uncomfortable with the process of meeting new people and making new friends.
We believe that life is better lived in an authentic community of people who appreciate the connection to others, we’ve created a variety of environments that make it easy for you to meet new people and initiate new relationships. Regardless of where you are on your faith journey, you’re welcome to explore, learn and grow with us.
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In the seventeenth century, a famous philosopher and mathematician, Blaise Pascal, encouraged people to make a wager when it came to belief in God. If a person chose to believe in God and God did exist, that person would gain everything (eternal life). If a person chose to believe in God and God did not exist, that person would lose nothing. On the other hand, if a person chose not to believe in God and he was right, he would lose nothing. But if that person did not believe in God and he was wrong- he would lose everything (lose eternal life).
This wager can be said another way:
Based on this logic, Pascal suggested the rational person would choose to believe in God as believing offers a person everything (eternal life) while losing nothing. Wherever you are in your faith journey, would you consider taking Pascal’s wager? If the good God of the Bible exists, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by believing in Him today.