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Atheists do not accept the existence of God, while a skeptic is unsure. For both, belief in God appears to be an irrational choice, like believing in the tooth fairy or leprechauns. Atheists and skeptics trust only in what they can see, taste, touch, and measure. Since God does not fall into this category- He must not be real and therefore anyone who believes in Him must be less intelligent and not open to reality. A few studies have even reinforced the idea that those with more education were considered less religious than those with less education.
Skeptics would suggest that all religion is man-made and often used for personal gain. They watch political figures wield religion as a weapon to win political battles. Stories are repeated of religious individuals spewing hate, in the name of God. These stories only serve to reinforce the view that Christianity is nothing more than a man-made religion with the less-educated following a God who does not exist.
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God loves learning. Some of the greatest artists, scientists, and thinkers since the beginning of time were believers. Their belief inspired creativity and the search for truth. God may describe how He created the world but has left the discovery of how it all works together up to us. People are called to seek and search for truth. As the church began new believers were not told to only “believe”, but to follow the evidence by checking with those who had first-hand knowledge.
Intelligence is a tricky issue. Is a farmer smarter than a baker? Is an auto-repair person more intelligent than a doctor? What if intelligence was measured by how fast one could build a treehouse? Similarly, it can be dangerous to decide that one variable causes another. For example, would it be fair to say that people who live in larger houses or in certain parts of a city are smarter than those who live in smaller houses in other parts of a city? Definitely not! Research open to many variables found little difference between believers and non-believers other than increased empathy (concern for others) in followers of Jesus.
Finally, it’s important to remember that every family tree has a few ‘nuts’. Just like you would probably be horrified to find people believing your crazy uncle best represented your family, followers of Jesus are frustrated when certain Christians are thought to best represent the family of faith.
What would happen if you viewed your intelligence as a gift from God and a gift to the world? God is not afraid of education but rejoices in learning. Continue to seek truth and as you do, may you open yourself to the God who cares for you.
What would happen if you embraced the possibility that the God of the Bible really did create the world and really does care for you?
Meet New People
As human beings, we’re all born with an innate need to know others and to be known. Having healthy relationships is essential to having a full and satisfying life, but not everyone has the kind of positive, supportive, and meaningful relationships they need. Many people are even uncomfortable with the process of meeting new people and making new friends.
We believe that life is better lived in an authentic community of people who appreciate the connection to others, we’ve created a variety of environments that make it easy for you to meet new people and initiate new relationships. Regardless of where you are on your faith journey, you’re welcome to explore, learn and grow with us.
Meet New PeoplePascal's Wager
In the seventeenth century, a famous philosopher and mathematician, Blaise Pascal, encouraged people to make a wager when it came to belief in God. If a person chose to believe in God and God did exist, that person would gain everything (eternal life). If a person chose to believe in God and God did not exist, that person would lose nothing. On the other hand, if a person chose not to believe in God and he was right, he would lose nothing. But if that person did not believe in God and he was wrong- he would lose everything (lose eternal life).
This wager can be said another way:
Based on this logic, Pascal suggested the rational person would choose to believe in God as believing offers a person everything (eternal life) while losing nothing. Wherever you are in your faith journey, would you consider taking Pascal’s wager? If the good God of the Bible exists, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by believing in Him today.